Lisa Mechler Lisa Mechler

What Surrender Means to Me


At one point last week I found myself clenching my jaw so tightly. I was glad I took the moment to pause to even notice it but -oh my gosh- it was such an awakening to realize just how tense I’ve been.

TRIGGER WARNING: this post explores Spiritual concepts including God, Prayer, and more. Please skip this post if you find these concepts triggering. Sending love to you all.

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Lisa Mechler Lisa Mechler


Ugh. Thanksgiving. I have such a hard time with this “holiday.” What are we celebrating anyway?!

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Lisa Mechler Lisa Mechler

We Aren’t Machines

Several months ago, I listened to an episode of the BeWILDered podcast with Martha Beck and Rowan Mangan where they addressed this internal and external pressure a lot of us (if not all of us) feel to continually produce and deliver meaningful contributions in a steady cadence. Since then, I can’t stop noticing this tendency in my own life.

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Lisa Mechler Lisa Mechler

It all starts with a journal

Sometimes I write in my journal - sometimes a lot and sometimes a little. But always it’s cathartic. Journaling helps because I get to take thoughts out of my head and deposit them onto a safe space on the page. The page then holds everything for me, instead of me needing to hold it myself.

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